“Any big business starts small.”

-Richard Branson

This blog is the story of a new and naïve entrepreneur who, like a lot of other people in those modern times – decided it’s time to quit the corporate world and create something he could call his own.

Like everything worthy in life, it didn’t come easy.

It took him 7 long years of failure after failure, of different ideas clashing together – until he found the 1 idea that changed his whole life around.

Who am I?

I am Chris, the founder of SMBillion.

I quit my day job nearly 10 years ago in the search and hope of establishing my own online business, despite having only a vague idea of how it can be done and what I should do.

I went through periods of success and large slumps of failure, but all of those experiences resulted in the evolution of myself and my business.

I currently own a few small businesses which turned out to be the rare diamonds in my large pile of various crazy experiments.

One of them is a consulting service, helping business owners scale their business to the next level using online tools.

This blog is my small attempt at helping other aspiring new business owners who are just in the beginning of their journey, and are looking to scale their business to its first million dollars year.

What does SMBillion mean?

It’s a wordplay on the terms ‘SMB’ (Small Medium Businesses) and ‘Million’.

Like I have mentioned before, the goal of this blog is to help your small or medium business become bigger and more efficient by scaling, and making it capable of reaching the 1 million dollars benchmark.

How to contact us?

Feel free to reach out to Chris via the following email address: imchrismoore [at] gmail.com