Last Updated on December 29, 2022
Interested in getting a custom voicemail greeting but don’t have the right voice?
Perhaps you are looking for a professional business voicemail greeting, or a funny celebrity imitation to prank your friends?
Regardless of the reason, we have gathered here a list of the 3 best voicemail greeting generators online.
These sites will also help you create the best voicemail greeting.
What Are the Best Voicemail Greeting Generators?
Check out our list of the best voicemail generators to get you started:
- Fiverr
- virtualpbx
- youmail
Here they are in order:
1. – Best custom voicemail generator

Fiverr is a website where you can hire freelancers to do just about anything. The freelancers come from all over the world. The site also allows you to become a freelancer and offer up your own skills. One of the main features of
Voicemail greetings using
How to get a Voicemail Greeting using Fiverr
In order to use
The first step is to type in the search bar within Fiverr to get a huge list of hundreds of freelancers to choose from. Then you use the filter system to narrow down your search.
Once you have shortened your potential freelancers you can start to look at their gigs. You then scroll down and see all the great thumbnails with all sorts of samples.
The best way to go about hiring the the best freelancer that it just right for you is by looking at a few of them. Look at their pricing tier and their description.
What I like about Fiverr
The best thing about Fiverr is that you get someone that is highly skilled at what they do.
You don’t have to spend time trying to get it right. There are many freelancers on
The main benefits of Fiverr
- experienced freelancers
- filtering the search to get exactly what you want
- communication with the sellers and the buyers
2. Virtualpbx
Virtualpbx is a VoIP phone service that offers features for all sizes of businesses. It has software that allows for strategic calling and receiving calls. Along with the many features for business it also has voicemail features that are great as well.
how to get a voicemail greeting using Virtualpbx
After you select the plan that you want all you do is go to the virtual receptionist tab and upload your mp3 file with the voicemail on it and select the rule that it will follow.
There is even a text to speech option that you might want to try. Or you can record your own voice and edit it right there.
What I like about Virtualpbx
The best features of Virtualpbx is that they offer an entire business solution for different sizes of businesses. If you just want to have a voicemail greeting then you should start with
But having a phone plan for online branding is something to think about, even if you are just starting out.
The main benefits of Virtualpbx
- Huge amount of features
- Virtual receptionist software
- Different business plans
3. Youmail
Youmail is a feature rich software package that offers different products for your phone. Some of the features allow you to control where your calls go when it comes to call forwarding and missed calls.
You can even have your voicemail sent to your email as text. There are plans that fit any size business, from the solo entrepreneur to a large brand.
how to get a voicemail greeting using Youmail
All you really have to do is sign up and you have this feature. There is a free sign up and lots of the features are behind a pay wall.
A quick look at their website through the link above will show you all about their features. After you do that you can test out all of the features that your plan gives you including the voicemail greeting.
What I like about youmail
There are lots of cool features that I like about Youmail.
One of them is the mobile app that allows me to control the calls directly from the app. There is also the voicemail to text feature that lets me keep my voicemails as a text.
The main benefits of Youmail
- Custom Greetings
- Call forwarding
- Mobile app