Last Updated on February 15, 2022

Since Instagram launched their stories feature, it has become increasingly popular for people to share what’s going on in their lives.

Stories are a great way for brands to connect with customers and grow an engaged audience.

People spend hours and hours on their Instagram profile every day and even if people don’t see your new picture in their feed because it is way down on their news feed, they still get to see your stories as they will always be on top of the app.

What Are Instagram Stories?

Instagram stories are a feature on the app that lets you share photos and videos that last for 24 hours. Unlike regular posts, which appear in followers’ feeds, stories show up at the top of users’ home screens and are visible to anyone who follows you.

Why Do Instagram Story Views Matter?

Instagram stories receive way more engagement than your regular posts. The number of views you get on each story is a good indication of how interesting it was to people and the higher they are, the better! MORE VIEWS = BETTER ENGAGEMENT AND A GOOD GROWTH SIGNAL FOR INSTAGRAM’S ALGORITHM.

Instagram stories can do wonders for your business. If you’re looking to grow your brand, connect with customers, or just create more awareness for your business, then Instagram stories is the way to go. This is why businesses are always on the lookout for new ways to increase engagement and views for their Instagram stories.

Ways to Get More Views for Your Instagram Story

Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can get more views for your Instagram story.

Post Quality Content

The most logical way to get more views is by posting quality content. Quality posts will always be interesting and engaging for your viewers, which translates into getting a lot of story views. Put some time and effort in selecting what you are going to post on Instagram stories before actually doing it as this will make sure that the picture or video can spark conversation and get good engagement.

Use Video Content

Videos tend to get more views than pictures on Instagram stories. This is because videos are able to capture the viewer’s attention for a longer period of time, making it more likely that they will watch the entire thing. If you want to increase your story views, try incorporating video content into your posts!

Remove Ghost Followers

Ghost followers are people who follow you but never engage with your content. They can be a waste of time and effort when it comes to trying to grow your Instagram following because they don’t actually contribute anything except for lowering your story’s engagement rate.

One way to get more views on your stories is to remove these ghost followers from your account. You can do this by going into the “Following” tab on your Instagram profile page and tapping the “Followers you don’t follow back” option.

This will show you a list of users who you aren’t following and have shady accounts, which is usually how ghost followers are identified. You can then go through this list and tap each user to unfollow them if they’re not actually engaging with any of your content.

Put Up Polls in Your Instagram Stories

A poll can be a great way to get more views because it gets the viewers involved. If you are going to post a photo or video on your Instagram story, try asking people what they think about it in the caption!

You might also want to ask them for feedback and suggestions regarding upcoming posts. The best part is that if someone responds to your poll, their name will show up in the list of responses so that other viewers can see who participated.

Identify the Best Time to Post

Identify the ideal time that your followers come online and post accordingly. You can do this by using a tool like Iconosquare or simply keeping track of when you get the most likes and comments on your posts.

This way, you’ll be able to time your story posts so that they’re more likely to be seen by more people!

Use the Right Hashtags

Hashtags are an excellent way to engage more viewers with your content, especially on Instagram stories.

When you add a hashtag in the caption of one of your story posts, it automatically becomes clickable and will let users see other photos or videos that are posted using this same tag! This is an easy-to-use method for getting more views on your stories.

Use Stickers

Instagram lets you add stickers to your stories, and these are a great way to get more engagement because they allow viewers to interact with the content. Stickers are more colorful and animated than regular captions and can really make a story stand out.

Try using different types of stickers based on your posts to see which ones get the best reaction from your viewers!

Feature Your Follower’s Comments on Your Story

This is a very simple way to get more views, but it can also be quite effective! You can screenshot positive comments from your followers and put it in your story.

Not only will this make them share your post more but they will also tell their friends and family about your story. So not only will you increase your story viewers but you might also end up increasing your followers.

Post Stories Regularly

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but if you want to keep your viewers interested in your stories, you need to post them regularly! You don’t have to post every day, but try to make sure that there’s always something new for your followers to see.

This way, they’ll be more likely to check back frequently to see what’s new.