Last Updated on January 3, 2024

Thousands of students are wondering about student loan forgiveness. If you are a prior enrolled student at Kaplan University, you are not alone.

Kaplan University closed in 2017. Today, thousands of students are eligible to have their student loans wiped out.

Discover if you qualify and what steps you need to take to gain total loan forgiveness!

How Does The Kaplan University Loan Forgiveness Work?

Prior enrolled students have multiple options available for student loan forgiveness. Kaplan University’s closing is no surprise. They defrauded the US government by $4 billion. The University engaged in criminal business methods with the government. Documented cases of their actions have already gone through court.

This means an increased chance of success for student loan forgiveness.

These large class actions and lawsuits work in prior enrolled students’ favor. There should be little problem with having your federal student loans forgiven.

What Happened At Kaplan University?

Today, Kaplan University is now known as Purdue University Global. Kaplan was once a prominent US college and institution for higher learning. Today, Kaplan is officially closed. In April 2017, Purdue University announced it had purchased Kaplan University.

The surprising sale of this enormous University had another shocking factor. It had sold for an even more sensational amount of $1.00. This has been both confusing and upsetting for staff and students alike.

Both Kaplan University and Purdue University Global have many lawsuits filed against them. Students who attended Kaplan University are now curious about student loan forgiveness.

What Can Students Do To Have Loans Forgiven?

There are two main programs utilized for student loan forgiveness. The first is the Borrowers Defense to Repayment Program. The second is the Closed School Loan Discharge Program. Both programs are federal programs that operate at a national level.

The Closed School Program resolves debt faster and yields quicker results. Both programs are worth investigating to determine which is better for your scenario.

Looking for other loan forgiveness guides? Here are more resources you can use:

Borrowers Defense To Repayment Program

The Department of Education has a student loan forgiveness program. It is the Borrower Defense to Repayment Program (BDAR).

This is often cited as one of the more difficult programs to gain forgiveness from. Students who use this program must show that Kaplan University made fraudulent claims.

To start this process, students will need to submit a BDAR application. Students with private loans are ineligible for this program. Only students who have a federal student loan are eligible. Also, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Be able to prove that Kaplan University misled you during your enrollment.
  • Prove that Kaplan University violated state law related to your federal loan.
  • Prove the services that Kaplan University promised to prove were false claims.

The BDAR program is often lengthy and can take over a year to complete. Don’t let the time it takes to complete this process dissuade you from trying. Total debt forgiveness is what makes this program worth applying for. The US government already knows it has $4 billion defrauded from it by Kaplan. You will need to explain how Kaplan aimed its defrauding process at you in your application.

Lies and misinformation by Kaplan encouraged you to take on student loan debt. This is the message you will need to explain in your application. Explain and show in your application all the ways in which Kaplan misled you.

Closed School Loan Discharge Program

A second program for loan forgiveness is the Closed School Loan Discharge Program. This program allows students with federal loans to receive help with loan forgiveness. Popular federal student loans include both direct and Perkins loans.

Students with private student loans are ineligible. To be eligible for this program, you must meet all the following requirements:

  • You must have been an enrolled student at the time of the school’s closure.
  • You transferred your school credits to another institution. The new program you enrolled in must be like the program you were in at Kaplan University.
  • You must have attended Kaplan University for 120 days before its closure date.
  • You have not completed your education program during the time the school closed.

Private Student Loan Forgiveness Help

Little aid is often given to students with private student loans. Banks have few incentives to help students with loan forgiveness. This news is often hard for students with private loans to hear.

It is best to still attempt using the methods above before giving up. Communicate and maintain a relationship with your private loan officer. It is important not to stop paying your loans back. Continue making payments until you are eligible for loan forgiveness.