Last Updated on September 2, 2022

The scented candle industry is booming as more people are investing in scented candles.

They are among the top items for self-care, aromatherapy, and wellness. However, the candle packaging can make or break your scented candle business and its profitability.

So, if you are looking for the best candle packaging ideas to improve your business, you are in the right place. Here is everything you need to know about it.

Top Candle Packaging Ideas

Here are the top candle packaging ideas that are affordable and will offer you everything you need:

1. Corrugated Packaging

Corrugated packaging is one of the most cost-effective candle packaging ideas. These are made of corrugated cardboard, and you can select from three or five layers. The best part is that corrugated packaging offers shock and strength resistance during shipping or deliveries.

If you don’t have a high packaging budget for your scented candles, you can use this option. It will allow you to offer the best solution to your customers at a low cost in no time. Keep in mind that this packaging will not offer a luxurious look.

2. Rigid Cardboard Packaging

Rigid cardboard is one of the best composite candle packaging ideas. The manufacturer uses the cardboard to design a shape, and then a thin layer of paper is glued on the cardboard’s outside. The process is complex, and this is just the gist of how manufacturers make rigid cardboard packaging.

The best part about this packaging idea is that you can create various shapes out of cardboard. That is why if you want fun and creative packaging, this is one of the best materials to choose from. It will allow you to offer fun packaging to users while protecting the candle.

3. Chipboard Packaging

As a general rule of thumb, chipboard packaging uses a brown cardboard material with three hundred grams of weight. It is one of the most common candle packaging ideas that many brands use for single bottles. You can print whatever you like on the packaging.

Because of this printing ease and convenience, you can create artistic and aesthetic candle packages. You can also use printing to implement your branding personality on the candle packaging. In the long run, the packaging will help improve your brand awareness.

4. Paper Tube Packaging

The paper tube packaging is cylindrical, and the cardboard is rolled into a cylinder shape to store the candle. Many people also call this the cylinder gift box. Keep in mind that such packaging is made through the use of machines.

If you want a low-cost cylinder candle box, it does not get better than the paper tube. You can also print what you like on the packaging to enhance your branding. Keep in mind that it might not be ideal for all candles because of the shape of the packaging box.

Factors That Affect Candle Packaging Decisions

Before deciding on the best candle packaging idea, it is crucial to understand the factors that will guide your decision. These include:

1. Durability

You might think that people throw away packaging, and durability does not matter, but it does. That is because a durable material will always be high-quality and protect the candles. If the packaging is nice and durable, consumers will protect their candles in the packaging after each use.

That is why it is crucial to select a material that offers durability. It will also offer other benefits that will be essential for your candle packaging and the scented candles.

2. Handling Shipping

If you plan on shipping your candles to many locations, you need packaging that can handle the shipping process. After all, you don’t want your consumer to receive a broken or damaged candle. That is why you must test if the material can easily handle shipping.

If it does not handle shipping, it is best not to use it. Even if you are a small candle business, you will still deliver your candles to customers. So, to ensure the integrity of the candle, the material must handle deliveries and shipping.

3. Budget

Of course, the best candle packaging ideas depend on your budget. Not every business has a significant budget to spend on packaging, especially new and small businesses. That is why you must select a packaging that will ensure you are making the most of the budget you have.

You will find many affordable candle packaging that will be durable and handle shipping. The key is to test the material before you select it for your business.

A Guide To Packing Candles

Scented candle jars and bottles are fragile. That is why you must pack the candles appropriately before putting them inside their packaging. Here are a few ways you can pack your candle box to prevent the candle from breaking:

  • Wrap the candle in bubble wrap film to ensure it remains intact during shipping
  • Select an appropriate shipping box for your candles. You can choose from three-layer, five-layer, and seven-layer boxes
  • Offer further protection to the candle by using filling material such as paper or colorful decorations

Implementing these three packing tips will allow you to protect your candles, no matter what packaging you use. Your scented candles will travel long distances without any breakage or damages. So, be sure to protect the candles in these ways before you ship them off to your customers.

Final Words

These are the top candle packaging ideas you can use for your business. The key to having great packaging is maximizing your budget and offering the consumer something valuable. That is because your packaging appearance and material can make or break the purchasing decision of a buyer.

So, keep all these factors in mind and select the best candle packaging idea for your scented candles. Once you have your material, you can create many boxes and fill them with additional materials to protect the candle first. Following all such precautions will ensure your customers receive the candle without damage.