Last Updated on September 2, 2022

Modern medicine has evolved significantly, and the drug industry relies on pharma companies. That is why there is tough competition in the global market. This is has made it essential for pharma companies to use logos for branding.

However, branding is not as easy when it comes to pharma logos. You have to pay attention to various details. Not only that, but companies have to ensure that their pharma logos match the packaging elements.

If you have been looking for more information about branding with pharma logos, you’re in the right place. Here is everything you need to know about it.

The Key Takeaways Of Excellent Pharma Logos

One of the top things to remember when deciding on pharma logos is to think about your company. The symbol should invoke confidence, safety, care, concern, and similar feelings. This is one of the reasons why many pharma logos contain white color.

Another key takeaway of your pharma logo should be that it conveys your brand’s values and direct message. The correct design will help the patients feel safe while boosting your sales and website traffic.

The final takeaway of excellent pharma logos is that they should be authentic. You may take inspiration from another company’s design but be sure to maintain the originality. This is because an unauthentic logo is not likely to convey your brand’s message.

Top Five Tips For Designing Pharma Logos

Do you want to design the best pharma logos for your company? If so, you’re in the right place. Here are the top five tips that will assist you when designing pharma logos:

It is no secret that a pharma logo must be unique from other designs on the market. However, the key to nailing the symbol is developing a distinctive design. This means that the logo should only represent your brand’s message and key values.

The primary thing to remember is that the consumers should not think of other companies when looking at your pharma logos. This is why originality is the key to making an excellent logo design.

Big Size

One of the top things about pharma logos is that people must be able to see the design from a distance. This is especially true if you will be using the symbol on banners, billboards, and much more. Besides that, you should remember that older adults will also be buying medicine from your brand.

Thus, not all adults have good eyesight or memory to remember a brand’s logo. This is why the size must be large enough to attract attention but not too big either. Additionally, it should not be so tiny that the design is not clearly visible.

Minimalist Design

A key thing to note is that pharma logos primarily contain the company name in text form and an icon with it. For instance, Nutrill has a green leaf above the brand letters. Meanwhile, Learmont Pharmaceuticals have a developing butterfly icon.

So it is essential for you to use icons when developing pharma logos. The visual should add a calming touch to the brand name. Moreover, it should invoke peaceful and well-being feelings. Not only that but the overall logo design and icon should be minimalistic.

Understand The Colors

Color theory is essential to understand when performing digital and traditional marketing. However, keep in mind that the exact meanings do not necessarily apply in the pharma industry. Thus, you should understand the theory with regard to this sector.

Typically, yellow and red colors are used by research-based pharma companies. These centers have labs and an advanced corporate structure. Meanwhile, blue is used in pharma logos to depict knowledge, safety, and trust.

Besides that, green is mainly useful for invoking peaceful and healthy feelings. It also represents growth and balance at times. You may see this color the most in pharma logos of herbal medicine companies.

Easy To Read

The name of many prescription drugs is confusing and difficult to understand by the consumers. This is especially true when customers are looking to find out more information. In such a case, the brand name is what helps them research effectively.

Thus, your pharma logos must be easy to read by all people, including older adults. The top way to achieve this goal is by paying attention to the font of the letters. It should be elegant but easily readable too.

The key thing to avoid when making pharma logos is to use merged letters. This works well in other industries but creates more confusion in the healthcare sector. That is why the letter blocks should be apart but not over-optimizing the icon.