Last Updated on December 24, 2022
Icons have grown in popularity over the years and are now what we see and use in our daily lives.
An icon is a graphical representation that can be used to identify anything from phone apps to a file on a computer screen to an exit sign in a room (Literally anything!).
Do you have an idea that you’d want to turn into an icon but lack the necessary skills? Then you’ve come to the right place.
This article will show you our top five recommended icon artists from all over the web.
What Are the Best Icon Commission Services?
Below you’d find our list of best icon commission services to try out:
Raufnohani – Crisp Vector Line Icon Commission

Raufnohani is a team of icon design experts who can create high-quality (simple, crisp, and clean) line art icons for any concept based solely on original and creative ideas.
Their prices range from $10 for a single icon to $100 for a set of 10 icons for whatever required concept. They guarantee delivery in 2 days and provide full support till you’re satisfied.
Looking for a vector line icon expert? You can’t go wrong with Raufnohani.
Abuzaralinoo195 – 2D Line Icon Set Commission

Abuzar is a professional graphic designer that creates top-notch 2D line icon set designs suitable for websites, online shops, mobile apps, etc.
His prices range from $10 for a single icon to $100 for a set of 12 high-quality icons for whatever required concept with unlimited revision and a money-back guarantee.
Looking for a top-notch professional icon for your website? Reach out to Abuzar.
Jekjck – Hand Drawn Custom Icon Commission

Hand-drawn arts, as we all know, give a commission a different feel than digitals. If you want your icons to have that feel, jekjck is the man for you.
Jekjck is a professional icon designer who creates simple and minimalist icons that are pixel flawless.
His prices range from $10 for a single hand-drawn icon to $80 for a set of 10 icons for whatever required concept.
Looking for that hand-drawn art feel for your icons? jekjck is your guy.
Kamalgosai – Budget Friendly Creative Icon Commission

Suppose you’re looking for creative, custom, trendy icons for you. Then Kamalgosai is your go-to pro.
They are a group of professional designers with more than six years of experience in web and graphic design and web development. They use this combined skill to create creative icons that suit your needs.
Their prices range from $5 for a single icon to $80 for a set of 10 icons for whatever required concept with a lightning-quick turnaround time.
Looking for a budget-friendly icon? Kamalgoasi is your go-to pro.
Waseemad6 – Animated Icon Commission Artist

Do you already have an icon but want to animate it? Then you can never go wrong with Waseem.
Waseem AD is a Graphic Designer and 2D Animation specialist with six years of experience. All animations are 100% custom, unique, eye-catchy style, and has an infinite loop.
His prices range from $10 for a single icon & 5-sec animation to $60 for a single icon & 10-sec complex animation. He guarantees delivery in 2days, unlimited revision, and a money-back warranty.
Want to animate your icon? Waseem is your guy.
How to Create Your Own Icon?
To create your own icon, you have three options: Use a ready-made icon generator available for free online or build one yourself using editing software such as Photoshop, which will take a lot of time and effort if you aren’t familiar with it.
If you want a custom, unique icon but don’t know how to make one using the software, you have one last option: hire an artist to perform all the work for you.
When hiring an artist, you’re not just paying for their time. You’re also paying for years of polished skills hence, ensuring a high-quality service, which is why having your art designed by a professional artist is preferred. And there’s no better place to find one than Fiverr